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led street light fixture Adaptive dimming performance for day and night changes

Time:  2023-08-08    Author:        Look:  384

The emergence of led street light fixture makes street lights more energy efficient and environmentally friendly, and the installation cost is relatively low. And now, with the advancement of technology, led street light fixture is also moving towards the field of adaptive intelligent control. In this field, day-night adaptive dimming performance is a very important indicator.

What is the adaptive dimming performance of led street light fixture

The adaptive dimming performance of led street light fixture refers to the ability of led street light fixture to automatically adjust the light intensity under different lighting conditions. Obviously, as the night progresses, the light intensity should gradually diminish, so as to save electricity and not affect the line of sight of drivers and pedestrians. During the day, the light intensity can be appropriately increased to ensure the visibility of the road surface, and at the same time, the lighting can be energy-saving control.

led street light fixture How the diural-day adaptive dimming performance works

The working principle of adaptive dimming performance for day and night changes is generally divided into three parts: sensors, controllers and LED lamps.

The sensor senses the ambient light intensity and feeds this information back to the controller. The controller is calculated according to the pre-set procedure and makes corresponding adjustments. Finally, the LED lamp adjusts its brightness according to the instructions of the controller.

led street light fixture for the advantages of adaptive dimming performance with day and night changes

The advantages of adaptive dimming performance of day and night change mainly lie in two points: saving energy and improving driving safety. With the adaptive dimming performance of day and night changes, led street light fixture can automatically adjust the brightness according to the change of light intensity. This not only ensures visibility at night, but also saves valuable energy resources.

In addition, the adaptive dimming performance of led street light fixture can also improve driving safety. If the street light is too strong at night, it will stimulate the driver's retina and may cause visual fatigue, thus reducing the safety of driving. The adaptive dimming performance of day and night change can adjust the brightness according to the need, so that the driver can drive in the state of reduced fatigue, so as to improve driving safety.

led street light fixture The application range of adaptive dimming performance for day and night changes

The adaptive dimming performance of day and night change is mainly used in urban streets, highways, tunnels, parking lots and other places that need night lighting.

In terms of city streets, led street light fixture adaptively adjusts the light intensity according to the different needs of pedestrians and vehicles. This feature can achieve more convenient traffic under different road conditions.

For highways and tunnels, in the case of fewer people and more cars at night, appropriate dimming can be carried out according to the speed to prevent excessive brightness difference in a short time and improve the traffic safety of the driver. In the parking lot, according to the inflow and outflow of people, the brightness of the street lamp is optimized to achieve better energy saving effects.

led street light fixture Future development of adaptive dimming performance for day and night changes

led street light fixture day and night change adaptive dimming performance in the future there is a lot of room for development. For example, more functions and means can be introduced, such as visual management rooms, intelligent control systems, Internet mechanisms, etc., to achieve more intelligent street lamp control. At the same time, the new generation of led street light fixture can also combine environmental protection, energy saving, low carbon, high efficiency and other attributes, becoming the mainstream choice for future urban lighting.

In short, the adaptive dimming ability of day and night change is one of the important steps of the intelligent led street light fixture, and its wide application in the field of urban lighting has become a trend. The adaptive dimming performance of day and night change will bring a qualitative leap in urban road lighting, and effectively promote the development of energy conservation and environmental protection in the city.

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